Our Story

You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples” (Psalm 77:14). 

BCM started humbly with one person, Miss Bessie Traber, leading Bible Clubs in the Philippine Islands.  When she returned to Philadelphia, young people asked: "Why can't we have Bible Clubs in Philadelphia?"  And so Bible Club Movement in North America began. By the end of the first year, 15 Bible Clubs had expanded to 145 and 6,595 verses had been memorized for awards. After two full years, 335 Bible Clubs were being held. “In a little more than two years He has given us 380 Bible Clubs in 16 states and 3 provinces of Canada. Interest is increasing, for 80 new Clubs have been organized in the past two months” (Bible Club Reporter in November 1938).

But what about Canada? God has a great plan for this large land. May his dominion truly spread from “sea to sea”. Isaiah 43:19 – “Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”

BCM Canada started with a little daughter missing the Bible Club she had attended in Pennsylvania. In 1944, her father Dr. Franklin Logsdon and an enthusiastic group of workers started Bible Clubs in London, Ontario.  At the closing celebration of that first year 2,000 children and parents packed a school auditorium for a Bible Club rally.

Fastforward to now, we have over 15 missionaries scattered throughout Ontario, Quebec, and Nova Scotia and two year-round camps: one in Omemee, Ontario and the other in Cooks Brook, Nova Scotia.  Our focus has expanded from "just" Bible Clubs to serving the Church and family as they encourage the spiritual formation of their children. 

We encourage you to visit our Christian Education Resource Center online or in person at 70 Melvin Avenue in Hamilton, Ontario.  Its resources for children's ministry workers and parents are designed to help you spread the Gospel to the next generation.   Lastly, browse our children’s programs which now include Adopt-A-School, Handi*Camp which works with young people with special needs, school PD Days, and more!  To reflect this vast growth, we changed our name from Bible Club Movement to Bible Centered Ministries with our motto Because Children Matter.

Contact us and let us know how we may come alongside you in your journey to disciple boys and girls with the Gospel. We would love to hear from you. How will you witness to the children in your church and community today?  Join us today!

Because Children Matter: To God and To Us

Our Mission:

Our mission is to bring about spiritual change in the lives of the children of Canada through obedience to Jesus’ command to go and make disciples.

Our Vision:

Our vision is to bring spiritual change to Canada through expanding the Kingdom of God by building partnerships with the local Church and their parents in order to reach children with the Gospel and to establish them as the next generation of Kingdom disciples who will know, love and obey God.

Our Goal:

To be the greatest friend and resource partner the Church in Canada has.

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