BCM INTERNATIONAL (CANADA) INC. is a Bible Centred Ministry dedicated to reaching children of all ages with the Gospel and serving those who work with children in the local church. Along with its missionaries BCM relies upon the financial and prayer support of individuals and churches who share in our commitment to the Gospel.

Ways to Give


In order for our office  staff to correctly record your details for receipt purposes please carefully complete the following steps.

  1. Please complete this form first, being careful that the amount you record is the same amount as the transfer.
  2. Send e-transfer to through your bank. If you choose to create a security question and answer please make sure you include the answer on the form.

                             Automatic Withdrawal

Complete the Maximum Ministry Plan  form and mail it together with a void cheque to Bible Centered Ministries, 70 Melvin Avenue, Hamilton ON L8H 2J5. You can also scan the signed form and a void cheque and email

Over the phone

Contact our office at 1-877-272-9262 and we’ll be glad to help you set up a recurring donation, or accept your one-time credit card donation right away.


Make cheque payable to "Bible Centered Ministries Inc" and mail to:

70 Melvin Avenue, Hamilton, ON L8H 2J5

Secure Online Donation

Online donations to BCM Canada are processed by CanadaHelps.  CanadaHelps is a not-for-profit charity that assists other charities by accepting donations on the charity’s behalf.

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